Anakuma Cafe

Do you have anxiety? I do, and it can be a terrible experience if not managed through counseling or medication. You feel yourself almost seize up, paralyzed emotionally, unable to do anything but feel that panic overtake you. It sucks, it’s terrible, and it can really mess your daily life up in new and unexpected ways. But what if there was a job where you could work through those feelings? And dress like a bear while you do it?

The Lore

Yes, this coffee shop has lore. Anakuma literally translates to “bear in a hole,” the meaning of which will be made very apparent soon.

The story goes that the bears are from Anagamori (穴が森, Hole Forest), a legendary forest somewhere in Japan. The bears all have their own personalities and backstories for you to enjoy, but they visit us in the human world because of their love of high-quality coffees. The company’s sustainable development goals also take some of their profit to help preserve and regenerate forests in Japan and abroad.

The Store

There are two shops in Japan: The original in Fukuoka City, and the newest one in Harajuku in Tokyo. This shop in Harajuku is the one I was able to visit.

You used to find the menu and some paper tickets to fill out your order, but they have upgraded to an order machine where you can punch in your drink or food order and receive a printed ticket. Well, don’t actually punch the machine, since it’s a touch-screen…

You then go to the front of the store where you can ring a bell to summon the bear. After payment, hand your ticket to the awaiting paw and wait.

Once your order is done, they will summon you to the hole. Take your drink from here. There’s also a small drawer below the hold where you can pick up larger items, such as any sweets you may have purchased. This is also where you can get a paper travel bag if you’re ordering multiple drinks to carry.

But how is the coffee?

It’s actually very nice! They weren’t kidding when they said they focused in on their coffee – the latte had a rich complexity that highlighted fruity notes while keeping the darker flavors of the roast, such as smoke and wood. It’s definitely steps above your typical Starbucks latte, but it also comes with a price that matches. If you don’t mind paying over 1000 yen for a cup and experience, then this is the place for you!

Also, the staff can see you and your every move through CCTV cameras, so they can see if you’re trying to initiate some shenanigans.

The Score

But what does this have to do with anxiety?

Well, there is a very similar competitor in Osaka called Kuma no Te Cafe (Bear Claw Cafe), where they hire students from the local General Support Mental School in the Umeda district to help them integrate better into society. This job allows them to serve customers and interact with the public through a safe medium: That of a furry bear glove through a hole in the wall.

While Anakuma seems to have only adopted the aesthetic and not the mission (I cannot find anywhere on their website where they mention hiring those with any sort of mental condition), trying instead to differentiate themselves and make a difference through their forest restoration partnerships and storytelling.

This also seems like a good place to work if you’re a bit anxious about interfacing with customers. You hide who you are literally behind a wall and no one can see your hand through the gloves.

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