The Flat White: Australia Versus New Zealand

If there’s one thing you must know about these two nations, it’s that they have a pretty strong rivalry. There are too many things they rival about to list here, but I want to focus on one in particular: The Flat White. I want to discuss a bit of its history and how it takes […]

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Anakuma Cafe

Do you have anxiety? I do, and it can be a terrible experience if not managed through counseling or medication. You feel yourself almost seize up, paralyzed emotionally, unable to do anything but feel that panic overtake you. It sucks, it’s terrible, and it can really mess your daily life up in new and unexpected […]

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Belgian Waffles

Quite possibly one of the most iconic foods attached to any nation, the Belgian waffle might be the only thing from Belgium some people are aware of. Eating them in Brussels was a treat, and learning about their interesting history fed the hunger for knowledge as well!

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The Year 2020 in KitKats

So 2020 was a big dumpster fire for most of the year. However, KitKats are still on point here in Japan, and while I used to do more spaced-out, handful of KitKat posts, I decided to just wrap up all the delicious wafers into one post. Without further ado, all the flavors (mostly seasonals and […]

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