The Flat White: Australia Versus New Zealand

If there’s one thing you must know about these two nations, it’s that they have a pretty strong rivalry. There are too many things they rival about to list here, but I want to focus on one in particular: The Flat White. I want to discuss a bit of its history and how it takes […]

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Anakuma Cafe

Do you have anxiety? I do, and it can be a terrible experience if not managed through counseling or medication. You feel yourself almost seize up, paralyzed emotionally, unable to do anything but feel that panic overtake you. It sucks, it’s terrible, and it can really mess your daily life up in new and unexpected […]

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Things I Liked in 2022

Look at all those twos! Did this year continue to burn as it did at the start of the year? Starting the tally a bit late in February, how did it go, future Adam? Future Adam here! It was a pretty cool year, but not without its difficulties. The fall and winter proved challenging, and […]

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Things I Liked in 2021

Well, here we go again! I’m writing this intro fresh and early in January in the hopes that 2021 is filled with some primo excellence and less icky bits than 2020. Am I right, future Adam? Just put your answer here when you get ready to edit and post this bad boy (Eh, 2021 was […]

Read More Things I Liked in 2021

Coming to Coffee

I fancied myself on the side of tea for a very long time. I found it to be bearable, even in its most repulsive or difficult of forms, whereas coffee was always a struggle to keep down. But something has changed in this past year. I’ve found myself slowly warming up to bean juice and […]

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Edo-Style Starbucks in Kawagoe

Starbucks is ubiquitous in the developed world. Wherever you go, you’ll more likely than not find a Starbucks to sell you coffee and treats for a nominal fee. There was some cheering and grumbling when a new Starbucks opened in Kawagoe’s historical district, steps away from a historic bell tower. Many were upset about corporate […]

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Kawagoe Coffee Festival 2017

I’m not much of a coffee drinker, but I am a sucker for festivals. As soon as I saw the hand-drawn posters for the Kawagoe Coffee Festival, I knew I would want to check it out, even though I’m not much of a coffee fan. I do enjoy the smell of roasting coffee, so with […]

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